Sunday, May 10, 2009

Seminggu jadi orang buta... huhu

yes!!! thats right... you heard me... buta?? meaning blind for almost a week...hahahaha... okkkkkk2... i have to admit, i might be exagerating abit... takde ar buta 100%.. but still... can see only aroun 49.9999%... tension gak having that feeling...

not seeing things properly = not a good experience.. huhu.. =p

welll... who else do i blame other than myself... careless sangat... ish3... ada ke tido letak spec mata sebelah...nak bangun je.. lenyek habis.. lens broke into two..huhu.. tido time tengah hari pulak tu..hahaha... ala... dah ngantok.. gap ada.. tido ar sekejap kan...pening betul..petang ada kelas Money Banking pulak.. hmmm... guess i have to use my hearing senses.. and borrow my friends eyes for that class... malam tu ada meeting e-fest central lagi.. PM kene attend... whatever they wrote on the board turned blurr yet again.. huhu... on thursday night lagi ar.. went to eat with my friends at A&W dekat jusco setiawangsa... nak ambik order pun tak boleh nampak apa sedap.. pinjam mata kawan lagi.. nasib baik ada menu dekat depan counter..hehe.. drive keta malam tu pun tak sure nampak jalan 100%... member cakap ada awek cun kat belakang pun nak pandang tapi tak nampak muka..hahahaha... =p

but... tomorrow.. all this stress will end... because i made new spectacles yesterday... straight after going back from uia... yey for me...!!!


tengah hari siap ar kot... thats what the apek said to me... hopefully he keeps his promise... btw.. i checked by power yesterday... it was 2.75... i thought reached 3++... thus, takde perubahan sangat from 3-4 years ago... good news... =D

and... today.. i went to digital mall btw..borrowed my sister's spectacles...hehe.. power akak ak kurang.. tapi it improved by eye-sight abit which was important..i bought a new charger for my laptop.. dah rosak... and also a new FM modulator.. nak letak dalam kete myvi..boleh dengar lagu..hehe... =p

wahhh.. sempat gak nak balik pass by uia pj.. long time didn't go there... brought back great memories... nak keluar je asyik kene mintak kebenaran dekat office..ish3... thank god thats finally over... heeee....

so... the moral of the story yet again.. kene letak part ni.. mesti..important..hehe.. people say an experience in life teaches us new things... =D

dont take things for granted... especially your eyes.. once you lose them... there is no turning back.. and i salute to those who are blind but still manages to live a happy life... caya ar..!!

hmmm... life is a test.. and will always be right..?!?!

without a challenge.. life would just be plain boring kan.. MySpace

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Hari terakhir cuti...

wahh... sekejap je rase dah nak abis cuti.. besok dah start kelas pulak... mula ar ak kene bangun awl.. MySpace

bukan ak ni jenis tak bangun awal.. tapi kalo cuti tu.. mula ar rase nak tido lebih je..hehe.. kelas ak start kul 9am-11am.. pastu ptg plak dri kul 2pm-4pm... from mon-wed... cuti 4 hari.. thurs-sun.. xde ar stress sangat.. cuti lebih dari kelas kn.. =p

ak ambik 2 subject.. Money & bankin & fiqh II... tapi ingt mcm nak drop fiqh II... nak save untuk sem2 depan yg lebih memerlukan..hehe.. tapi itu baru dlm perbincangan.. belum confirm lagi.. =D

so.... nak recap balik ape ak buat cuti dua minggu ni...

1) pergi Genting Highlands... best2... going again short sem ni..hehe.. =D
2) dapat keta baru... Myvi... but not 100% mine yet..
3) tengok wayang and Jusco tour dengan separuh family uia members..
4) pergi airport antar parents

and lastly bangun, makan, tido and tengok movie... hahahaha... itu yang paling banyak ak rase ak je keje.. nak tengok kat wayang mcm rugi je kalo boleh tengok free kat rumah kan... =D

kalo nak tengok free... boleh melayari

banyak movie kat situ yang baru2... guna mediafire kalo nak download laju.. =D


all da best short sem ni kepada yg mengambil.. kalo yg sambung cuti tu.. happy holidays... !!

Friday, May 01, 2009


lama gak ak tak pergi shopping2... cuti pun nak abis dah... lagi dua hari je nak masuk UIA.. start short sem...mula ar kene banggun awal g kelas..huhu

so... sempat ar ak pergi Bangi jap... Shoppin dekat Warta... ingat nak beli t-shirt ape2 nak pakai g kelas...tapi tengok design tak menarik smue.. so.. tak beli ape sangat pun.. rasanya Window Shopping je lebih kot..haha.. and also kenyangkan perut.. makan dekat RasaMas... akak ak dah tanye bnyk kali suruh ak belanja.. so... ak pun pikir2 balik.. time ada duit lebih ni.. bila lagi ak nak belanja akak2 ak.. bukan slalu ak free nak makan ngn diorang.. nanti dah start short sem.. mula ar ak busy sna.. busy cni..hahahaha.. (yer2 je bz...kelas pn brpe kerat je.. =p)

"wahh..lapo plak ak tengok gmbr ni..haha"

jumlah yang ak bayar mencecah RM50... hak3... makan dekat tempat macam tu biasa ar... sorang satu ambik satu set.. 1 set dah lebih kurang RM10.. tambah pulak bungkus ayam bungkus untuk akak2 ak dua orang lagi kat rumah.. boleh bankrupt kalo belanja diorang hari2..hahaha... =D

overall.. the moral of the story is... jangan ar kedekut nak belanja orang.. lebih2 lagi keluarga anda... duit tu simpan dalam bank lama2 pn tak guna... sometimes when you give, you will get more... so... dont hesitate to give yup.. tapi jangan ar hari2 nak suruh ak belanja.. kang bankrupt.. =p