11/11/06 (Saturday)
Last week was partly happy and sad for me........ After listenin for 5-6 hours of learnin how to drive the week b4... i decided to take my KPP test on saturday.... and guess what... i failed.... by only one point.... 41/50.... the passin mark was 42....... man...!!!! 3 of the candidates who came with me also got 41... only one passed who got 43/50...
i felt so angry to myself 4 failin and paying another 27 RINGGIT.. how stupid can i get... i came to realise 2 things that made me fail... firstly... i was so stupid to take the test in English when i studied in malay.... hahaha... i thought it was going to be much simplier as i studied everythin in English throughout my life... haha...!! but the words made life harder as i didnt learn them in ENGLISH...
secondly, i did my test in just 13 minutes or so......... hahaha... when i had like 45 mins.... i didnt even check back my work............ argh!!!!!
oh... well... what to do.... BUT ...one thing 4 sure, i will not make the same mistakes again... i hope so.... hahaha!!! take all the time i need..........
Thankfully,... when i came back home ... i received a letter of admission to enter UIA.... one of the best universities in Malaysia... made me a little bit happier after a hecktic and awful day.......
I will also be receiving scholarship ... around 1000 RInGGit per sem and they would be payin for my hostel.... thank god as now my dad will not have to pay alot 4 my education....
I then had to go shoppin to buy all my stuff, such as clothes,shoes,equipment,etc... total spendin' summed up2 around 200 ringgit sumtin...
Also last week,, My aunt came back from Sudan and stayed in my house.... still in the state of shock.... i juz felt so sad 4 them as they had to live through this tragedic event... i wouldnt know how to react if i lose someone really close to me... especially not gettin to see them for the last time....
From this week, i learnt alot on how life really is... sometimes you get what you want and be happy, whilst sometimes you wont... thats life.... we as humans are not PERFECT and make mistakes such as not pickin the right language and endin up failing.... hahaha...
therefore... we must accept what we get and improve our life for a better future......