This years Hari Raya was different as i celebrated it in Penang, last 2 years was in Egypt...
I went to Penang 2days b4 raya... so can prepare everythin'.... But this year didnt feel like raye at all... duno y.. maybe usually in December n now early.. or could also be bcz im grown up... tak dpt duit raye sgt... haha...!! But still, it was a memorable raye and one that will never be forgoten...
On hari raya day,,, after prayin... the house was not as cheerful as b4... my uncle passed away in Sudan so we didnt want to enjoy ourselfs that much...... i juz went to my cousins friends house and then to my "kampung" on my fathers side...
the next few days i just went to my close relatives house aroun Penang... stayed in my uncle's rented apartment for 4 nites... cold gile... 24/7.... haha...
me n my cousins would play PS2 until like 3 or 4 in the mornin'... then sleep till 10-11... haha...
overall i received aroun 250 ringgit... not as much as b4... haha......

"me n my cousins at tokbah's house"
" My brother with cousins at maktok's house"
" my sister and cousins "
Lastly, i wish all the best to my cousins goin to Sudan... selamat pergi dan kembali...
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