after 5 days of working as a volunteer... 5 days of meeting new people.. 5 days of sleeping at cititel hotel... I-Fest 09' comes to an ends....pnat gak event ni sbnarnye...nak ckp bwt work bnyk sgt pn x jgak.. lpak2 je bnyk... jln2.window shoppin mostly..tu yg pnat kot..hehe... boleh kire gak brpe kali kiteorng pusing Hall 1-3... smpai kene sound ngn p.i.c... hak3... beli pe2 pn x jgak.... sje nak jln2 hilangkn bosan... AND... The best part of coz is getting to sleep at the hotel for free... who doesnt want to sleep for free... aircon pn best.. sjuk nak mampos...lagi2 klo pilih shift pgi... x bngun le jwbnye...huhu.. Parking kete pn dpt... PORSCHE gua yg penting pn dpt lpak dkt parkin RM20 per entry..hehe... BUT... of coz in any story.. theres got to be a twist in it.. we had to sleep 6 people in one room... tkar2 shift ar gak... mcm nak kerja..haha... tpi 2 days brturut2 ak tido atas katil...yahooo!!!! hak3... 3rd day tu bru bralah... tido bwh plak.. kesian org nk rase tido atas katil... pdhal dah bosan... =p ade stngh bilik pompuan lgi ar... 9 org... nth mcm mane tido pn ak xtaw... haha...
ok2... sblum ak mule mrapu... like any blog i write on an event... must have a fact part... lupe plak... hahaha... here it goes...

I-fest 09' (Islamic Festival) organized by YaPeim was held for the second time.. First time in Mid-Valley actually...before this..last year.. it was held at PWTC... From what i hear.. they are going to make it a yearly event... mainly from the response they got this year...
The main purpose of this event was to give the chance for Bumiputera a.k.a. malays to sell and promote products... exposure i guess...hehe... Islamic products... who else will promote it other than our own people... many companies promoted products from food & drinks, medicines, travel agents, banks, etc... IIUM also had its booth..cheh..haha...
here are some pics for da event....

overall... event ni best gak... had fun... mood pun hepi je spnjng event.. nth nape.. sbb sronok kot... mmm... met new friends.. mostly the experience was important... dpt jage hall, exit, entrance, bagi2 register form, free newspapers, answer questions... kbnykn tnye toilet, surau atau booth chck mata... yg paling famous..hehe... rasenye only catering and kiosk je x smpt... and lastly dpt gak gajii.. total of RM180 for 5 days... bleyh ar, cover cost skit... last day mmng borong abis ar kitorng... jalan2 cari mkn free atau special clearance stock offers... hak3...

okeee... dats all for now... chowz... hahaha... =D
Mesti korang riak kan dapat masuk paper..
dengki siott~
thun dpan ade lgi ar afif.. x yah ar dengki2 ni.. haha.. =p
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