Friday, February 13, 2009


hari ini ada org blnje ak and ipin.. budak tu baru dpt JPA pnye scholar... so daripada tak guna duit and simpan dalam bank beribu2... lebih baik die blanje member2 die kn..haha...

penat gak jalan2... lagi2 tengah risau ada FM ahad ni..huhu... aku mula2 ingat tak nak pergi... tapi dah ingat balik.. kesian member nak blanje.. dah lame planning pulak tu... org cakap rezeki tak baik ditolak kn..haha... alhamdulillah.. perut pun kenyang akhirnya... =p

kiteorng lepak kt KLCC... lepas sembahyang jumaat aku g sane... makan kat Pizza Hut... lepas tu.. pergi ar tengok wayang pulak.. cite " Ong Bak 2" .. best gak cite ni.. action die real nak mampos... 1 and half hour... leyh cakap mostly action... story line pun ok... berbaloi kalo tengok..hehe... 9/10 aku bagi rating.. =D

dah abis tengok wayang... jalan2 jap... pastu bru balik uia...

this is the first time kitorng lepak cukup2 smue 6 orang.. slalu ade je sorang ade keje..haha...
had fun and an enjoyable day...

ok ar.. aku ni nak study FM pulak.. tengah cari mood.. tu yang tulis blog...tapi dah rase ngntok pulak... cmne ek... ingat nak tido jap.. bangun awal2 pagi n study..bleyh ke.. hahaha...

until we meet again... nyte2... =D

Thursday, February 12, 2009


today ....can be considered to be one of the worst days of my life... asyik tension je...hu3... entah nape... from morning to night things just does not seem to be what i expect it to be...not that i expect a perfect day, but atleast a cheerful one..hmmm....hu3..

i woke up in the morning, and was late to go to Marketing class.. last2 tengok... the class was cancelled... hu3...tensyen ada ar rase skit... tapi takpe... klo dah tahu takde kelas... confirm aku tido balik and bngun lewat... bgus ar jugak..he3... dah ar bob + AIZAT wakenabeb aku... cakap ada kelas... and lecturer tak kasi masuk sebab lewat diorang pergi...aku pun cuak gak.. sebab last kelas kiteorang dah lewat.. lecturer cakap kalo lewat lagi next kelas... die tak bagi masuk.. aku pun caye ar member2 ak ni... dan2 aku smpai.. bob tengah cover kertas yang tulis "class is cancelled"... paham2 je ar.. haha...nasib baik takde camera je serbu aku..he3.. bukan aku sorang je kene... bilik "Safwan and the geng" pun kene... tapi diorang half way jalan.. kiteorang bagi taw... tak smpai hati..haha... mengamok tak abis2..ha3...

lepas tu ak ade kerja BE pulak... kene present ptg kul 3:30... nervous pun ade.. smpai2 kelas lecturer suruh present...tanye2 smue group ramai lewat, tak sampai lagi.. tanye group aku.. aku sorang je yang ada... 4 lagi belum sampai... Pokjat lagi ar... boleyh kuar balik sebab sejuk... Last2 lecturer tensyen ramai tak datang.. die kunci pintu..haha... cuak pokjat tunggu kat luar... jangan kate die.. aku pun cuak... tak kan nak present sorang2 kot... aku ni bukan power sangat pun..ha3... then... dalam 5-10 minute lepas kejadian..ade budak pompuan sorang ni tolong bukak pintu... ape lagi... smue main masuk... pndang bawah and senyum je..haha... mase present lagi ar... due orang lagi presenter aku tak datang.. bagi pelbagai alasan.. tensyen je ak... sebab mamat tu kene present Question 1... kalo die takde... sape nak ganti.. last2 member aku sorang lagi ni ambik report group belakang and bace je point2... aku pun belasah je present and try to act as confident as possible..cheh...ha3.. alhamdulillah... kiteorng present jugak akhirnya...

Habis je kelas pukul 5 ak kena jaga ali field.. ada match Boragas FC vs Joga FC... dah ar aku sorang je yang jaga...hu3... tensyen2... semua ak tnye group aku... ade hal yang tersendiri... tapi yang dah jaga sblum ni aku paham perasaan diorang... hehe... tu aku tak tanye sangat diorang...=) last2.. Jao ngn Azad turun.. diorang lewat skit sebab nak siapkan assignment... takpe2... aku seorang yang memahami.. =D
masa tengah match tu baru ak perasan... cawan2 yang Azad+Jao bawak tu tak basuh lagi.. ish3... kene ar sound dengan footballer2 ni...yg penat nak minum.. "lain kali basuh dulu sebelum bagi orang minum"... aku diam je ar... nak cakap ape... sebagai organizer... customers always right..hehe.. lepas tu ade orang injured pulak.. Medical kit tak bawak.. aduhhh!!! diam je ar aku buat kali kedua...then...terpaksa ar aku lari2 naik kete g ambik ais sebagai penganti...hu3... bukan aku tak nak bawak.. terlupa... aku rushing nak pergi padang sebelum match 5:30...


Malam tu aku risau FM pulak...bukan football manager... tapi financial Management..hehe... mid term ahad ni... asyik risau je aku ni... study tak jugak..haha... aku pun main ar PES kat computer apiz nak hilangkan tensyen.. lepastu tengok cite "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" yang aku baru abis download.. cite die lawak jugak... lawak bodoh... sebagai tontonan untuk hiburan semata2... hee.. Pastu aku kene edit working paper program talk PR plak... ni pun baru abis edit... dah ar PM tu tak boleyh harap.. secretary program call and message... tak nak jawab je...tensyen je ak... buat kali ke 4..hu3... lepas tu ada member ni message ajak aku kuar besok g KLCC...dah seminggu planning.. die nak blanje ramai2.. aku dah ar tengah tensyen ni... aku cakap ar kat die suruh makan dekat2 je.. like J.Jusco... die pun malas nak layan aku... die cakap kalo susah sangat aku tak payah ar pergi...hu3...aku pun malas nak layan cakap "okee" je..

"proposal PR yang aku edit tadi"

aku tak blame member aku ni... aku yang salah...betul jugak cakap PENG!... mungkin die nak belanje grand2 sikit..maklum ar.. org bru dapat scholar JPA...hehe.. kalo jusco macam tak grand kan.. aku ni kadang2 pentingkn diri aku ar... soo.... really2 sorry...aku tengah tensyen tadi... kepada orang tu... yang mungkin terbaca aku pnye blog ni... aku cube untuk tukar diri aku ni sebanyak and sebaik yang mungkin.. so that i wont make these mistakes again...sorry again.. hee... nobody is perfect i guess...but i will try to get close to perfect someday...hopefully..hu3...

lastly...ada satu lagi issue.. tapi aku tak boleyh nak share..personal2..haha.. tensyen ar jugak tadi... tapi aku dah buat promise to try to aim for my goal.. so hopefully i will achieve it... =D


panjang betul aku tulis hari ini... sebab banyak yang aku nak cakap kot..and nak release tension...huhu... ni pun dah malam dah... aroun 3 am... aku pun nak tido.. Aizat dah ajak aku study dekat library besok... haha...

lastly, i never regret what happen to me today.. sometimes in life..especially student life..haha.. challenges are sent by god to test us... hari ini... aku betul2 kene tested ak rase..hehe...banyak aku belajar today actually.. mostly about patience... nak share masalah kt pasangan pn xde.. nak buat camne...;p

hmmm...i will take it as a challenge and try to improve me to become a better person in this world and the hereafter... only i can change myself and not anyone else.. cheh... =D

P.S. Kalo Faidh bace blog ni... (aku taw ko bace) haha... aku akan ganti mouse (PC) ko tu... walaupun aku admit... bukan aku yang rosakkan... tetapi aku banyak gune sebelum rosak... hehe... right bro... =D

and kepada sahabat aku Afif yg confirm 99% bace...haha... pandai ek... ko sembunyik dalam tandas masa kelas BE tadi..huahua... patut ar asyik hilang je mamat ni.. =p

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Kalah tapi menang......


kalah tapi mnng? mcm ne tu... gile ke mamat ni... blja smpai uni.. mnng ngn kalah pn xtaw beza... hak3... hmmm..mesti smue trtanya2 cmne kalah tapi mnng kn.. knape x mnng tapi kalah? atau mnng sja...hee... hrp brsabar para2 pmbaca ku... like the saying goes...for every statement you make there is a reason for making it...hehe...bak kata org putih... lose but win le.. =p

sblom lagi confuse.. ak strt cite le snng... okee....hehe...

once upon a time... on the 8th of Feb 2009.... A team called Vaizante' FC (team ak tu) played a match taking on Budget Power FC... (hari ni le kire...hehe)... team Budget Power ni leyh kire power ar gak... lagi2 pmain Kosovo yg suka dribble tu.. stylo milo... =D

the first half Budget power FC led by 2-0... one was a penalty i felt like it shudnt have been... tpi ape kn daya... protest pnye protest.. still dpt penalty..hu3... the other one was through a solo effort... nth cmne goal... mamat tu cross... tgk dah masuk goal..haha.. half time break leyh ckp agak moral down ar team Vaizante'... sembang pnye sembang... tukar strategi.. Dabo main left wing tukar ngn Faidh main tgh plak... masuk2... kitorng score through Azrul... goal tu lawa ar gak.. through ball... mcm dlm EPL...assist tu spe lgi kalo bkn ak...haha..mlng skali nasib ak... tgh lawan match.. ak terseliuh plak kaki kanan...tkar ngn ipin...ish3..x sempat ak nak score.. =p

"Doctor ckp ak injured mcm Gerrard... dlm 4 weeks nak baek..haha..
tu kata doctor ar.. ak bleyh je main nxt hal ar... =p"

lpas ak kuar jap... score jdi 2-2... pmain import Vaizante' dri Palestine Sakher score.. mmng moral up balik ar team ak ni...tpi nasib x menyeblah team ak... kalah 3-2 akhirnya... defence bwt hal..haha..

so... da moral of da story.. ceh.. haha... walaupun ak kalah match.. dan injured mcm Fabregas.. mngkin miss semi-finals...ak tetap puas ati main... tgh ketinggalan 2-0 first half leyh come back.. lwn budget power plak tu... kire ak kalah physically.. mnng mentally ar.. dri segi mmuaskn ati.. dan ak dpt mkn pizza arini.. akak ak blnje... kahkahkah... =p

ooo... lupe.. on da same day.. ak dpt brita parents ak dah abis posting kt Egypt... akhir bulan ni or awl bulan dpn diorng balik skjap... sblom bpak ak brngkat ke tmpat lain...wohooo... sronok ar....kire mnng bnyk gak arini... haha....

tgk... kn ak dh ckp... ade sbb ak bgi title cmtu...huahuahaua...

ok ar.. ni dh lewat mlm g pn... tu ar title blog ni agak mngelirukn.. ak pn tgh ngntok..haha.. until next time we meet... gud nyte... =D

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A mixed feeling day....

arghhhh..!!! kerja... kerja.. kerja...

ish3...bsok ni ak ade quiz MIS...bce pn x abis lgi...mcm ne nak score aim 4 flat ni?? ade member dah ade scholar JPA... siap leyh blnje member2 lain mkn pizza oooo... ak bile lgi... hahaha...
jumaat ade mid-term BE chptr 1-4 plak...assignment blambak pending..UNGS, BE report n presentation nxt week.. strt pn blom..kne edit buletin ECL 09'( al-mklum org penting.. =p).. match ujung minggu ni...asyik brngn je nak score, sbijik pn blom lgi...smpt ke nak msuk name dlm buletin pn xtaw...huhu...

hmmm..tensyen gak jdi student ni sbnarnye.. tu ar psl.. org slalu ckp... suruh kite plan n stdy awl2.. tpi xnak.. tgk movie dh susah... dush3... kne balik...haha... tpi smue ni sacrifice kn... for a better future... with knowledge comes great power... with great power comes responsibility.. eh... btol ke ayat ak ni.. ambik dri mane pn ak x ingt... haha...

ala... quiz je kot kn besok... boleyh pnye.. no hal ar.. 10/10..hehe... ngh thinking positive ni... =p

tdi ak smpat gak tgk Heroes E14.... bru kuar... mnarik gak cite die..... ngh cari mood nak stdy..hehe.. ak nak cite..tpi kpd org x tgk lgi x best plak kn...hehe.. mood ak pn not so good today... sedih pn ade... sbb sumting lately..hu3... tpi... kene ar keep strong... npe ak g bwt cmtu pn ak xtw..huhu.. hmmm... tpi...kdng2 bwt wrong tgh blja from experience... org ckp.. to reach the right... u must go through the wrong... =D

dlm2 sedih n tensyen ak ni... ade plak good news... TRANSFER NEWS....

ARSHAVIN >>>>>>> ARSENAL!!!!!!!

tu ar news ak tgh tgu... ...xde ar rase down sgt dh..No.23 kot... hahaha.... Abis ar pasni.. Arsenal bnyk score pnye.. Beware Rivals... GO ARSHANALL!!!!!! hahaha...

ok ar... smpai disini je blog ak...nk kene continue study... nk score... hehe...
oooo lupe... n kpda rumate ak FAIDH A.K.A Fabregas....

HEPI BZDAY !!!!!!!!!

smoga pnjng umur murah rezeki... Amin....

P.S. ak dh bgi adiah kn... arge aroun RM7000...hahaha... nak.. g Block B... =p

Sunday, February 01, 2009

ArsENaL draw???

Arsenal... a.k.a. The Gunners draw???? x mnng?? yeah... dats rite...i all Arsenal fans out there...hold your horses... it will come as a surprise kn..... diz was a game which we shud have won least 1-0... huhu... phewhh....that was no pleasant match to watch... espcially in a room packed with anti-gunners...hehe.... kalo nak ikut match report... Arsenal clearly did not play to their full potential... dominating possession..attacking from left to right...right to left...but lacked the final ball yet again...the build up to an attack was superb and always seemed like ending with a goal... tapi expected by Arsenal's attacking style of play... credit to West Ham for playing with one striker and sticking to their game play... but now it is the time... ArsHavin...have to come...hahaha....

"West Ham will argue they defended well, Arsenal’s critics will say they did not create enough. They are probably both right."

ish3...mcm mane ni... we shud be gettin all 3 points at home... nak kejar Aston Villa lagi... dah ar asyik mng je... ak kne pressure je time watch match tu... lagi2 ade 3 org chanting "WEST HAM!!! WEST HAM"...hehe... jealous agaknya Arsenal tgh attack.. biase ar tu.. =p
xpe2.. mlm ni AWAS liverpool fans...(Aizat n Pablo.... n Safwan... lupe plak...hehe) aku pressure gile2 nanti..oooopppsss...

ade ke PENG! a.k.a. ipin or abg long... ckp kelas UNGS 2050 lgi best sbb match score 0-0... huh??? wat da fish....kelas yg asyik kitorg ponteng atau dtg 30 min lwat tu... tu dh lebih tu.. nothin can be compared to the boringness of dat kelas... tahap maximum dah ak rase..he3...

Is there a simple explanation for ArseNaL's draw???

firstly, I dont mean to brag.. but Arsenal are missing most of its key players right now through injuries.. Theo Walcott, Cesc Fabregas, Eduardo, Rosicky... juz to name a few..all long term injuries... huhu... if put in a team.. these players can make a whole lot of difference... thats wat ive been tellin ManU n Liverpool fans... haha...

secondly, teams always want to play rugby against Arsenal... asyik letak ramai gile defend...mcm mane nak main ni. Then, tackle gile2... smpai Eboue pn injured match ni..
yeah2... ManU fans will say its a physical game..ha3...

thirdly, our squad is just quite young i have to admit..experience is key...balance is important... and some players should go..Bendtner kene jual ar... ade ke letak Van Persie on da bench?? bad decision.. that guy can score plenty of kicks... left leg shot one of the best ive seen...

lastly and most importantly, they should bring me to play for Arsenal..ha3..

xpe2.. nnti gua contact Wenger.... transfer still not closed yet kn... leyh je transfer from Vaizante' FC...double swoop with Arshavin...

ooo.. talkin abt Vaizante'... ak ade match arini kul 5pm...venue Rugby field... all da best to us..smue djmput hadir.. dtg ramai2 utk mmeriahkn suasane dan bgi sokongn utk kitorg...haha...kene bgi mnng to go to da next tu score at least one goal le match ni...x ksh cmne... bicycle kick, diving header, or volly pn jdi ar..huhauhaua... tebus utk match Arsenal x score... tu yg tgh smngt ni...

oritee....dah kul brpe dah...ak nk kene g prepare utk next match ni.. mentally and physically... until da next time we meet... gud morning... good evening and good night...
peace no war... and long live the Gunners... season not yet over ok to all anti-gunners... EPL still possible... not to mention Champions League... hehe... =p