Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Day to reMember... Selamat Hari Raye Eid ul Adha..

hmm.. well... once again i hve to say this..

haven't written sumtin in my blog for quite a while... haha.. i would have been lying if i was to say that ive been busy all this time and while.. as we all know.. if you manage your time wisely, anything you want to achieve is possible in life..

aint it
?! ;p

Okeyz... back to what i have to say...huhu... Firstly I want to wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters, wherever U may be..
Selamat Hari Raye Eid ul Adha..!!

speakin' of this day... as you all know this day marks the end of Hajj, the sacred pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. This was when our prophet Ibrahim was instructed by god to sacrifice his son Ismail, but instead God exchanging his son with a goat...The festival therefore reminds everyone of the mercy and benefits bestowed upon mankind by God.

well.. you might ask.. Why am i writtin this in my blog?? huhu...

there is a SiMpLE answer to that... i want to remember this day in my life.. a day where i realised how POWERFUL and MERCIFUL God is to his creations.. everything that happens in life is a test from him and we should follow his rules and avoid what he dislikes...coz he knoes whats best for us...

hmmmmm..... there is more to how i realised than juz that i wud say...huhu...

it all began like this.. i was just watchin TV as usual today.. switching on football channels for updates.. goin through some music clips... when sddenlY.. i came through a malay movie called "Anakku Melihat Syurga".. This story was meant to be shown today as it was raye.. it was a very sad story.. rilly touched by it... huhu... it was a story about a blind 10 year old boy who his father never cared about him.. simply coz he is blind... his father was not the type of person who would pray friday prayers and therefore would never bring him... as time passed.. he never gave up and remembered how God will always be with him no matter what.. to cut the story short... huhu... his father lastly realised and began to learn from him about how great god is.. but the end was sad...huhu.. he died due to complications in his brain while his father was not around givin people speech on how his son helped him remember God... but what was sad was that the boy told his mother not to tell his father as it would disturb his dad from sharing gods message to other people.. therefore....

hmm... what i learnt from it?? the boy cared about his religion more than his own life... of how great God truly is.. he would sacrifice his father from seeing him for the last time...

I dunt knoe... but i was touched... huhuhu... rilly made me stronger to believe in God... I wouldn't lie.. I was actually feeling hurt today because of someone... I rilly liked this person but maybe i was just trying too hard... she did not reply my message for some reason.. and i was rilly hurt by it... i felt that we had something in common as i stayed in Egypt b4.. She is kind and great... truly unique.. thought she was special... i was confused about it.. whether she liked me back?? should i move or not???


after watchin that movie and giving it some thought.. well... i wud conclude

"love God more than you love his creations... if it was meant to be... than it will happen... you should not just follow your heart... I truly like her... but i will not hope so much.. as it will only hurt myself... so... about the message... no hard feelings aite... =) "

wahh.... ive been babbling for awhile now.. huhu... longest blog ive written i guess... hahaha...
some ppl might say what the hell is this... WELL..Gz wat... I DUN CARE WAT PPL WANT TO SAY... i will be myself.. and say watever i desire... huhu....

what a day i guess... i actually did not balik raye this year.. just braye with one of my sister... huhu... the other 3 are in Egypt with my parents... huhu... felt a little sad... prObabLy thAts a ChallenGe in Life i gz...

but i learnt a lot today... definitely... huhu.....


for now...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Bye2 UIA PJ...

tyme flies when ure having fun...!! hahaha... hmm... ONE YEAR PASSED>>>

Its tyme to say gudbye i gz now... UIA PJ... hehe... n helo to UIA gombak?!? mybe.....
its been a period with full of memories and had a wonderful experience... Met new friends.... learnt to live without my parents for the first tyme... had my ups and downs i gz... huhu

But overall... i tink it was da right choice to come here... b4 diz i wanted to study elsewhere... but my parents thought it was best i stayed in Mlysia after finishin my o'level in Egypt.... well.... maybe parents know wats best for their children... hehe... Never regretted coming here... and never will... huhu...

miss playin football...miss hangin out with my friends... huhu...

Adios i gZ!!! ;p


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time Square

pasangan bahagia i call it!! hehehe..

TimeSquare?!? fun place to go... but not too many that day... coz it was on a working day... but holiday for raye and study break for mE... hehe... i was suppose to be studyin... But... sometimes u gotta have fun ryte!?!.. how fun iz it juz sittin and readin books... memorizing words... ;p

hmm... we didnt rilly plan on goin on the rides coz someone was actually scared to go.. he/she was shakin when we were about to go on the rides... cried out "MomMy"... hehe... hmmm.... who could that be... ;p...

tkpe2.. im not goin to say who... he/she knoes who they are...
Btw.. im not one of them okeY... incase some might think.. im well capable of ridding these rides... piece of cake!!

so... theres only 3 left to choose from... aite!?! hahaha...

We went from aroun like 1.. until like 9 at night... huhu... Thank god i didnt drive all the way to Kl.. although that was what we planned first... til someone's mother thought it was best we used public transport...Boleh ar... hahahaha... so i left my car at one of my friends house and took a taxi to the LRT station...

Despite sayin' this... I still had to drive all the way back home and had to send "someone" all the way to her house... haha... dah ar penat... tpi.. its ok... you help your friends now... they might help you someday rite!?!! Take and give i gz...

OkeY... enough talkin... this was a wonderful day b4 examS... release tensionS!!!
hahaha... wish me luck... takut fail pulak kuar2 bnyk ni... huahauahua...

byeZ for Now!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Finish My First Sem in UiA..!!

well... ive not written my blog for sometime... aroun 3 months i guess.. haha... the last time i wrote was about me entering into UIA... em... diz iz quite odd then.. i guess my blog now will be about its ending... haha

.... 3 months had passed by... which felt like 3 minutes to be honest... haha... had one hell of experience living with 10 ppl in one place... woke each other in da mornin 2go to class... played football 2gther... went2 eat 2gther... ill be missin all of them... guess they thought be how to do business... haha... got alot of profit from selling my room... we had 2 computers... imagine dat... hahaha..!! music wud be on like 24-7..

... n not 2forget how friends are very important in life... life wud be very dull if we didnt have any...