9 days! bReAk!!! what to do!!! obviously its for me to study longer for my next exam on 13th April..kata nak score 3.5...last long sem..have to get deans list..hahaha.. But i guess that's just not me. Ive always been a last minute person. Every sem comes the same script of me wanting to do well, start study early, bla...bla..bla... tetttttt.. just not happening i guess with roommates like ARIFFIN ROSLAN and CHOT..easily get distracted by their presence..hehe..
I am now at Econs by the way..4th floor, the classroom infront of the lift..ALONE..semangat tol kan...Roomates probably sleeping at this time..wakakaka.. intended to study atleast 1-2 chapters..Well guess what..ended up "facebook"ing, reading blogs, (ARIFFINQUOTES-boo man u) downloading, and now blogging again after ages not updating....hohoho..
Now its raining some more..cool weather..don't blame me for wanting to fall asleep..hahaha...Ive got 2 exams left..and one short sem..taking 2 subjects..thats 4 more exams before its goodbye UIA..and i guess its also goodbye to "SOMEONE"..huhu... all the best to you yup... ^_^
I am now at Econs by the way..4th floor, the classroom infront of the lift..ALONE..semangat tol kan...Roomates probably sleeping at this time..wakakaka.. intended to study atleast 1-2 chapters..Well guess what..ended up "facebook"ing, reading blogs, (ARIFFINQUOTES-boo man u) downloading, and now blogging again after ages not updating....hohoho..
Now its raining some more..cool weather..don't blame me for wanting to fall asleep..hahaha...Ive got 2 exams left..and one short sem..taking 2 subjects..thats 4 more exams before its goodbye UIA..and i guess its also goodbye to "SOMEONE"..huhu... all the best to you yup... ^_^
someone? sape2????
mana leh gtaw..rahsia kot..hahaha
duhhh....jgn kedekut!
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